Distributive Pronoun

Pronouns that refer to group members singularly or one at a time are known as distributive pronouns. It highlights the distribution or division of things or people within a group. Distributive pronouns are used to avoid repetition when talking about each individual member of a group separately. They are often accompanied by singular verbs. In English, the distributive pronouns are each, either, and neither.

Distributive pronouns Rules:


  • Each is used when referring to every individual in a group separately. It emphasizes the individuality of each member.
  • It is usually followed by a singular noun and takes a singular verb.
  • Example: Each student is responsible for their own work.


  • When presenting a choice between two options or people, either is used.
  • It takes a singular verb and will be used with singular or plural nouns.
  • Example: You can pick either book off the shelf.


  • Neither is used to indicate the exclusion of both options or individuals when presenting a negative choice.
  • It is followed by a singular noun and takes a singular verb.
  • Example: Neither candidate was qualified for the position.


  • Agreement with verbs:
    1. When a distributive pronoun is the subject of a sentence, the verb that follows should agree with the distributive pronoun.
    2. Example: Each of the students is studying for the exam.
  • Agreement with possessive pronouns:
    1. The possessive pronoun should agree with the noun it refers to when used with a distributive pronoun.
    2. Example: Each of the boys brought his own lunch.
  • Agreement with reflexive pronouns:
    1. When using a reflexive pronoun with a distributive pronoun, the reflexive pronoun should agree with the noun it refers to.
    2. Example: Either of the girls can dress herself.

These rules should help you understand and use distributive pronouns correctly in English sentences, allowing you to convey choices, exclusions, and individuality within a group.

Distributive Pronoun Examples: 

  1. I may buy either of these three novels.
  2. Neither of the statement given by them is correct.
  3. None of our colleagues went to the exhibition.
  4. Either of them can bring cold drinks for me.
  5. Each of the mothers should take care of their infant children.
  6. Each of the students received a certificate.
  7. Either of the options are suitable for me.
  8. Neither of the management’s books is available at the library.
  9. Each student should bring their own supplies.
  10. Either cake would make a delicious dessert.
  11. Neither candidate has the required experience.
  12. Each person has their own unique perspective.
  13. Either of the roads will lead you to the destination.
  14. Neither of the participants knows the answer to the question.
  15. Each employee is responsible for their own workspace.
  16. Either decision requires careful consideration.
  17. Neither dog was able to find its way home.
  18. Each contestant must follow the rules of the quiz competition.
  19. Either solution will solve the problem.
  20. Neither of the cars was parked in the correct spot.
  21. Each child received a gift at the party.
  22. Either route will take you to the mid of the city.
  23. Neither of the possibility seems appealing to me.
  24. Each of the flowers bloomed beautifully.
  25. Either team has a chance to win the volleyball match.

Pronoun Define

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